First things first, we would like to specify that there are 2 possible way on how to work with Next-Gen projects inside ActivityTimeline: First one is easy, but less elegant and Second one which is more sophisticated, but provides better functionality. Both options are already used by our different customers, so it’s up to you to choose which one suits you best.
1. Standard way
This method will require some manual configuration to be done inside Jira, as currently Atlassian doesn’t allow to make these manipulations automatically from our side.
We do agree that this is not the ideal solution, but until Jira releases API to allow to set these fields automatically, it should all be done manually 😥 .
2. Simplified way
Basically, this method allows to work with all Jira Next-Gen projects without any problems, but the limitation of it, is that it’s not possible to set Start/End dates inside Jira itself, only in ActivityTimeline.