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In Advanced Settings ActivityTimeline administrator can set a system notification message, if he wants to communicate some information to ActivityTimeline users (i.e. Maintenance time on the server), change date and time formats and apply some custom functionality.


  • Default Date Format

    • Specifies Date format. Should be the same as for Jira Date Picker field. 

    • Default Value: d/MMM/y

  • Default Date/Time Format

    • Specifies DateTime format. Should be the same as for Jira DateTime Picker field. 

    • Default Value: dd/MMM/yy h:mm a

  • Timezone shift/fix

    • Defines Time Zone shift in hours. Please change this value if tasks appears shifted by one day on the dashboard. If you use Date/Time format and you see that there is a discrepancy between Jira and ActivityTimeline you can also utilize this feature, however it is recommended to contact our support team for such cases.

    • Possible values:

      • negative value - move tasks few hours back;

      • positive value - move tasks few hours forward;

      • 0 value - no time zone shift.

    • Default Value: 11.5


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  • Custom Functionality

    • Turn On or Off features that are currently not turned on by default.

      • Set value to 123 or combination of them to enable custom ActivityTimeline features.

    • Default Value: 0

  • Reuse Jira Project permissions for each User

    • Defines whether ActivityTimeline should reuse Jira Project Permissions in addition to built-in ActivityTimeline User roles. The system will reuse Jira Project Permissions for each logged in user if enabled. Turning on this feature will decrease performance of the dashboard.

    • Possible values:

      • unchecked - default ActivityTimeline User Roles are used to filter issues/teams

      • checked - Jira Project Permissions and ActivityTimeline User Roles are enabled to filter issues/projects/teams

    • Default value: unchecked

  • Reuse Jira permissions per Issue (slow)

    • Defines whether ActivityTimeline should reuse Jira Issue Permissions in addition to built-in ActivityTimeline User roles. The system will reuse Jira Issue Permissions for each logged in user if enabled. Turning on this feature will decrease performance of the dashboard.

    • Possible values:

      • unchecked - default ActivityTimeline User Roles are used to filter issues/teams

      • checked - Jira Issue Permissions and ActivityTimeline User Roles are enabled to filter issues/projects/teams

    • Default value: unchecked

  • Auto add/remove users to/from Project Team based on assigned events

    • System will automatically add users to project team (if created) when new Booking event gets assigned to him/her.

    • Default value: Turned off

  • Number of Issues to Load from Jira

    • Defines the maximum amount of tasks that ActivityTimeline should retrieve from Jira during Setup Wizard Synchronization

    • Recommended maximum: 100000

    • Default Value: 3000

  • Ignore issues older than (NN months)

    • Do not synchronize issues, which were last modified more than NN months ago. 

    • Default Value: 12

  • Amount of Issues to load per request

    • Defines the amount of issues to load per each request to the server.

    • Default Value: 150

  • Issue ID in Jira

    • System property. Should not be changed manually.

    • Default Value: 1001

  • Unresolved Resolution ID

    • Defines an extra resolution status id. Jira tasks with this ID will appear in left issues panel in addition to all unresolved tasks.

    • Default Value: [EMPTY]

If you have any additional questions related to the following section, please don’t hesitate to contact our team at:

Also, you can check our Quick Start Guide to get started with ActivityTimeline in under 5 minutes.

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