Versions Compared


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This page contains the procedure of ActivityTimeline Server upgrade. 



Before the upgrade

Check that your license maintenance period is not expired. The new version will require a license renewal if it is expired.

Contact support at if you are not sure.

Steps to upgrade:

  1. Download new ActivityTimeline Installation package from Check Updates page (or from a link at your ActivityTimeline Dashboard → Configuration → Check for updates page)

  2. Stop ActivityTimeline application;

  3. Backup <INSTALL_PATH>/activitytimeline/bin/atdb folder and  <INSTALL_PATH>/activitytimeline/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/ file

  4. Rename current installation directory to <INSTALL_PATH>/activitytimeline-old-version;

  5. Unpack new version of ActivityTimeline from


  1. the downloaded archive into <INSTALL_PATH> folder;

  2. Copy previously backed up atdb folder and file into corresponding folders of upgraded ActivityTimeline application;

  3. Start upgraded ActivityTimeline application (startup folder location should remain the same);

  4. Perform Full Synchronization at


  1. AT Configuration → Synchronization → Refresh Issues page if you upgraded from an earlier than v4.0 version of the add-on (screen shot below).


Note 1:  The location of atdb folder is different when running ActivityTimeline as a Windows service. 

It is located in Windows system directory:  <WINDOWS_DIR>\System32\atdb or  <WINDOWS_DIR>\System32\SysWOW64\atdb


Note 2: You would need to re-install ActivityTimeline Windows Service if upgraded from an earlier than v4.0 version of the add-on.


Note 3: Do not install ActivityTimeline into a folder or path that contains spaces.



        Full Issues Synchronization at Dashboard → Configuration → Issues page:



Important: ActivityTimeline has few infrastructure changes between v7.2.x and v7.3.0:

  1. Dropped support of 32bit servers starting from AT v7.3.0. Contact support if you are running AT on a 32bit server.

  2. New and start.bat/stop.bat scripts:

    1. Do not use them if upgrading from v7.2 or below and "atdb" folder is not in "<INSTALLED_LOCATION>/activitytimeline/bin/" folder as ActivityTimeline may not be able to load the previous data.

    2. Start ActivityTimeline in the same way as before or move "atdb" folder into "<INSTALLED_LOCATION>/activitytimeline/bin/" folder and then use the new scripts.

    3. You can use new scripts if you have ActivityTimeline configured to use external database like MSSQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL or Oracle DB.

  3. Upgraded underlying Tomcat to version 9 and JRE 8 u202


Full Issues Synchronization at Dashboard → Configuration → Synchronization → Refresh Issues page:

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