There is a possibility to group issues by different fields. One can group issues by Person, Project, Priority, Status, Release, Sprint, Component, Parent Task, Issue Type, and No grouping.
Group Issues by Person
Within left (Issues) panel switch to Group tab and click on Person
→ The system will group all issues by a person.
Group by Project
When grouping by Project, the system sorts all JIRA tickets within one particular group, by priority and by last updated date.
Group by Priority
When the user groups the issues by Priority, the system will sort them from higher to lower priority.
Group by Status
The tickets may be filtered by status by pressing the corresponding button.
Group by Release
One can view all the issues that have Fixed Version defined in JIRA by clicking on Release button.
Group by Sprint
Click on Sprint to have all issues belonging to the currently available sprints shown.
Group by Component
Group by Parent Task
When grouping by Parent Task, the system sorts all sub-tasks under their parent task. Each sub-tasks has a gray icon, and if mouse over it, an indication of its parent is shown. Clicking on an icon opens parent task view in JIRA.
Group by Issue Type
When grouping by Issue Type, the system sorts all JIRA tickets by their type: Epic, Bug, Improvement, Task, Sub-task etc.:
Group by Epic
Group by Labels
No Grouping
One can view full list of tickets if JIRA Agile is enabled. Simply click on No grouping to see the whole list.