MySQL database

PostgreSQL database

MSSQL database

Oracle database

MySQL database


PostgreSQL database

A: Here is the documentation regarding switching a database engine to PostgreSQL
1. ActivityTimeline is pre-configured to use built-in H2 database.
2. Please open activitytimeline/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/ file 
for editing. 
3. Please make sure PostgreSQL database is installed on your server before and has "timeline" schema created. 
4. It is also required that “timeline” database schema uses UTF8 character set by default.
Replace everything in file with the following data to connect to PostgreSQL database:

#  PostgreSQL Database connection URL

# PostgreSQL Database username

# PostgreSQL Database password

#  Other properties
5. Please replace at_user and at_password with actual username/password combination of your PostgreSQL database.
6. Restart ActivityTimeline afterwards


 If you would like to migrate existing data from H2 database to PostgreSQL, then you would need to use an external tools to migrate the database data like SQuirreL SQL with SQuirreL DB Copy Plugin (first you need to install SQuirreL SQL and on top of that the SQuirreL DB Copy Plugin). Also, you may need to start ActivityTimeline on an empty external database (schema) first for ActivityTimeline to create all required tables and relations.
 H2 database files are located at activitytimeline/bin/atdb folder.

That should be it!


MS SQL Server database

A: Here is the documentation regarding switching a database engine to MSSQL
1. ActivityTimeline is pre-configured to use built-in H2 database.
2. Please open activitytimeline/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/ file 
for editing. 
3. Please make sure MSSQL database is installed on your server before and has "timeline" database created. 
4. Define character set for “timeline” database. It is recommended to use the same collation as for JIRA. Usually: 'SQL_Latin1_General_CP437_CI_AI' or 'Latin1_General_CI_AI' case-insensitive. 
Replace everything in file with the following data to connect to MSSQL database:
#  MS SQL Server Database connection URL
# Structure: dataSource.url=jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://;serverName=<MSSQL_HOST>;portNumber=<MSSQL_PORT>;databaseName=<MSSQL_DATABASE_NAME_FOR_ACTIVITYTIMELINE>;integratedsecurity=false;socketTimeout=60000

# MSSQL Database username

# MSSQL Database password

#  Other properties

# -------------------------------------------------

# Or Alternative jTDS MSSQL driver

# Alternative MSSQL Database connection URL - jTDS driver
# Structure: dataSource.url=jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://<MSSQL_HOST>:<MSSQL_PORT>;databaseName=<MSSQL_DATABASE_NAME_FOR_ACTIVITYTIMELINE>

# MSSQL Database username

# MSSQL Database password

#  Other properties
5. Please replace at_user and at_password with actual username/password combination of your MSSQL database.
6. Restart ActivityTimeline afterwards

 If you would like to migrate existing data from H2 database to MSSQL, then you would need to use an external tools to migrate the database data like SQuirreL SQL with SQuirreL DB Copy Plugin (first you need to install SQuirreL SQL and on top of that the SQuirreL DB Copy Plugin). Also, you may need to start ActivityTimeline on an empty external database (schema) first for ActivityTimeline to create all required tables and relations.
 H2 database files are located at activitytimeline/bin/atdb folder.

Also, please make sure all migrated table names are in lowercase letters e.g. "person", not "PERSON". All table names in UPPERCASE letters should be renamed to lowercase letters.


Oracle database

A: Here is the documentation regarding switching a database engine to Oracle DB v12.1.0 or newer: 
1. ActivityTimeline is pre-configured to use built-in H2 database.
2. Please open activitytimeline/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/ file 
for editing. 
3. Please make sure Oracle database engine is installed on your server before and has "timeline" database created. 
4. Define character set for “timeline” database. It is recommended to use the same character set as for JIRA. Usually: 'UTF8' or 'AL32UTF8'. 
5. Enable "Extended Data Types" in Oracle DB for VARCHAR2 type to support up to 32767 bytes:
Replace everything in file with the following data to connect to Oracle database:
# Oracle Database connection URL
# Structure: dataSource.url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@//<ORACLE_DB_HOST>:<ORACLE_DB_PORT>/<SERVICE_NAME_FOR_ACTIVITYTIMELINE>

# Oracle Database username

# Oracle Database password

# Other properties
#dataSource.dbCreate=update 1 FROM DUAL

5. Please replace at_user and at_password with actual username/password combination of your Oracle database.
6. Restart ActivityTimeline afterwards

 If you would like to migrate existing data from H2 database to Oracle DB, then you would need to use an external tools to migrate the database data like Oracle SQL Developer, SQuirreL SQL with SQuirreL DB Copy Plugin (first you need to install SQuirreL SQL and on top of that the SQuirreL DB Copy Plugin). Also, you may need to start ActivityTimeline on an empty external database (schema) first for ActivityTimeline to create all required tables and relations.

It is required to enable "Extended Data Types" in Oracle DB for VARCHAR2 type to support up to 32767 bytes:

Important Note for Oracle DB v12.2.0 and above switch: it is required to rename several entities before the migration for Oracle DB correct work:

  • "level" table should be renamed to "knowledge_level",
  • "password" column of "person" table must be renamed to lowercase letters
  • "date" column of "worklog_record" table should be renamed to "worklog_date"
  • and "comment" column of "worklog_record" table should be renamed to "worklog_comment"

Important Note for Oracle DB v12.1.0 switch: it is required to rename several additional entities before the migration for Oracle DB correct work:

  • "level" table should be renamed to "knowledge_level",
  • "password" column of "person" table must be renamed to lowercase letters
  • "date" column of "worklog_record" table should be renamed to "worklog_date"
  • "comment" column of "worklog_record" table should be renamed to "worklog_comment"
  • "parent_issue_remaining_time_estimate" column of "issue" table should be renamed to "parent_remain_time_estimate"
  • "anticipated_start_date_field_name" column of "integration_config" table should be renamed to "start_date_field"
  • "anticipated_end_date_field_name" column of "integration_config" table should be renamed to "end_date_field"
  • "issue_part_assignee_field_name" column of "integration_config" table should be renamed to "issue_part_assignee_field"
  • "connect_access_token_created_date" column of "integration_config" table should be renamed to "connect_token_created_date"
  • "issue_id_for_getting_list_of_assignees" column of "integration_config" table should be renamed to "issue_id_for_users"

  • Additional setting should be added to file:

H2 database files are located at activitytimeline/bin/atdb folder.