Add a Custom Event

Activity Timeline JIRA add-on allows creating different types of custom events on Timeline Event Types. To add a custom event to the person's timeline click on empty cell or any cell with the tasks already scheduled.

In the opened Create New Item dialog select the type of the event. 

The available options are Booking, Placeholder, Note, Day Off, Sick Leave, Vacation, Holiday.
To Manage Event Types click on the link under the events list (for Administrator and Power User Role).

Enter the title for the event in the Title text entry box and press Create button

→ The event is added to the person's timeline.

The system turns the workload indicator into a Blue color demonstrating that a team member is not working on a particular day.

If any ticket is scheduled for that day, the indicator will change into Purple color signalling that a  team member has a day off, and no tickets can be scheduled during that period of time.

Automatic Re-scheduling

The system automatically re-schedules JIRA tickets according to the entered custom events information by simply resizing them within the timeline. E.g., if Monday is a day off and a team member is not working on Monday, all 8 hours of work will be moved to Tuesday. The workload indicator shows that there is no work on Monday, and Tuesday is already booked for 8 hours.

Unschedule (Delete) a Custom Event

To unschedule a Custom Event drag-n-drop the task from a Dashboard to Unschedule box. Custom event will be deleted.

Configure the Workload

AcitivityTimeline allows the administrator to configure each team member workload, so that person’s involvement can be changed.

The default workload value is 8 hours per day. Click on the person’s name or role to see his/her involvement. 

If there are part-time workers like contractors in the team, the administrator can change the configuration so that person's workload is 4 hours per day.

When a manager assigns some tasks on part-time worker calendar, the same 8 hours of work which was fine for another person will be an overload for a contractor. The workload indicator is in Red color and contains negative number showing overload. To fix the problem simply stretch the task for two days.

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