Event Appearance

Event Appearance tab gives the option to configure the displaying of certain properties. This opportunity is provided for ActivityTimeline to allow a system administrator (user with Administrator role) to change which fields should be shown for the issue bar.

New configuration settings should be added to the JIRA Event appearance page that should allow to customize the appearance of the issue bar.

The list of possible customization fields includes the following:

  1. Estimate 

  2. Time (available in Date/Time mode only)

  3. Event type name 

  4. Event type icon 

  5. Approve icon 

  6. Characters number of Event Title

You can enable Time - Date/Time mode in Configuration → Timeline Panel → Planned Start/End Dates format → Date/Time is selected → Update.

Customize Timeline Event Appearance

To customize an event appearance on Timeline Dashboard follow the steps:

Configuration → Events → Event Appearance:

Customization based on Event Type:

It is possible to customize the style of custom events based on their type.

To add and apply custom issue CSS styles go to: Configuration → Events → Event customization → Add Custom Style:

CSS styles can be applied to all Event Types.

To apply custom issue CSS style to Event type simply:

  • Click on the Add Custom Style button

  • Select an appropriate Event type from a drop-down list.

  • Select Style :

    • background-color; 

    • text color;

    • font-style Bold;

    • font-style Italic;

    • font-style Underline;

    • font-style Line-through ;

  • Press on the Apply button.

Custom Styles are successfully created for the selected Event type.

You can view, edit, and delete applied Custom Styles on the Events Customization page.


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