Assigning and Unassigning a Task

ActivityTimeline add-on allows assigning and unassigning Jira issue on a person's timeline. 

Assigning a Task

To assign a task for a particular user, simply drag-n-drop a Jira ticket from Left panel to Dashboard.

The task is assigned and scheduled.

Edit an Assignee

  • To edit assignee of a task, drag-n-drop a Jira ticket to a different user on Dashboard

  • To edit in Jira: click on a task and Click on Open link (or double click on a task) → Jira ticket is opened in Jira → Change Assignee in Jira

Unassign a Task

ActivityTimeline allows unassign a Jira task that was already assigned on a timeline for a specific user of time.

There are two main ways on how to unassign a task:

  • Through Jira task

    1. Click on a task and Click on Open link (or double click on a task)

    2. Click on the "Assignee" drop-down → Fill in "Unassigned" or select in a list → Tap Enter
      -→ The system will remove Jira ticket from a person's timeline and Jira ticked will have no assigned user.

  • Through Unassign & Unschedule box

    1. Find Jira ticket you wish to unschedule and anassign 

    2. Drag-n-drop a ticket to Unschedule box in the bottom left 
      → The Task is Unscheduled (without Start and End Dates) and Unassigned in ActivityTimeline and Jira. The system will remove Jira ticket from a person's timeline as well.

How to unschedule a Task visit Schedule and Unschedule a Task page.


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