Team Detailed by Issue Worklog Report

Team Detailed by Issue Worklog Report

This type of report provides information about JIRA tickets for which the work was logged. 

To generate Team Detailed by Issue Worklog Report follow the steps:

  1.  Navigate to Reports page and find the desired report in the list:


        2. Select display unit (day, week, or month); month, team (default value = All Teams), and project (default value = All Projects)

        3. Select a Period the report is to be generated for.

        4. Select a Team the report is to be generated for.

    • the default value is Current selected Team on Dashboard.

        5. Check 'Include Non-working days' option if you want weekends and holidays (vacations, days off, sick leaves) to be included in report.

Weekend cells will be light gray. Holiday cells are of light blue color with first letter of event name, e.g. V = Vacation, DO = Day Off, SL = Sick Leave.

        6. Generate report in Web or Excel format:


→ Team Detailed by Issue Worklog Report opens in selected format.