Advanced Settings

In Advanced Settings ActivityTimeline administrator can turn on REST API, change date and time formats, and modify JIRA integration settings.       


Reuse Jira permissions per Project

Defines whether ActivityTimeline should reuse Jira Project Permissions in addition to built-in ActivityTimeline User roles.
The system will reuse Jira Project Permissions for each logged in user if enabled.
checked - Jira Project Permissions and ActivityTimeline User Roles are enabled to filter issues and projects
unchecked - Default ActivityTimeline User Roles are used to filter issues/teams
Default value: checked


Reuse Jira permissions per Issue (slow)

Defines whether ActivityTimeline should reuse Jira Issue Permissions in addition to built-in ActivityTimeline User roles.
The system will reuse Jira Issue Permissions for each logged in user if enabled.
Turning on this feature will decrease performance of the dashboard.
unchecked - Default ActivityTimeline User Roles are used to filter issues/teams
checked - Jira Project Permissions and ActivityTimeline User Roles are enabled to filter issues/projects/teams
Default value: unchecked


Decimal Delimiter Symbol

Different languages have different delimiter symbol in numbers.
It is required to correctly set it so that Jira can understand the value of the estimate or worklog hours.
English & Chinese: choose Decimal Point; German, Russian, Spanish, French & Italian: choose Decimal Comma.
Default Value: Decimal Point


Custom Functionality

Turn On or Off features that are currently not turned on by default.

  • Set value to 123 or combination of them to enable custom ActivityTimeline features.

  • Default Value: 0


Number of Issues to Load from JIRA

Defines the maximum amount of tasks that ActivityTimeline should retrieve from JIRA during Setup Wizard Synchronization

  • Recommended maximum: 100000

  • Default Value: 3000


Number of Worklogs to load from Jira

Defines the maximum number of worklogs that ActivityTimeline synchronizes from Jira.
Recommended maximum: 100000
Default Value: 10000


Maximum number of worklogs for Timesheet Report

Defines the maximum amount of worklogs that ActivityTimeline retrieves
from the database per single timesheet report in the Track view. Maximum: 50000
Default Value: 15000


Ignore issues older than (NN months)

Do not synchronize issues, which were last modified more than NN months ago. 

  • Default Value: 12


Amount of Issues to load per request

Defines the amount of issues to load per each request to the server.

  • Default Value: 150


Issue ID in JIRA

System property. Should not be changed manually.

  • Default Value: 1001


Unresolved Resolution ID

Defines an extra resolution status id. JIRA tasks with this ID will appear in left issues panel in addition to all unresolved tasks.

  • Default Value: [EMPTY]


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