ActivityTimeline Upgrade

This page contains the procedure of ActivityTimeline Server upgrade. 

Before the upgrade

Check that your license maintenance period is not expired. The new version will require a license renewal if it is expired.

Contact support at if you are not sure.


Steps to upgrade:

  1. Download new ActivityTimeline Installation package from Check Updates page (or from a link at your ActivityTimeline Dashboard → Configuration → Check for updates page)

  2. Stop ActivityTimeline application;

  3. Backup <INSTALL_PATH>/activitytimeline/bin/atdb folder and  <INSTALL_PATH>/activitytimeline/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/ file

  4. Rename current installation directory to <INSTALL_PATH>/activitytimeline-old-version;

  5. Unpack new version of ActivityTimeline from the downloaded archive into <INSTALL_PATH> folder;

  6. Copy previously backed up atdb folder and file into corresponding folders of upgraded ActivityTimeline application;

  7. Start upgraded ActivityTimeline application (startup folder location should remain the same);

  8. Perform Full Synchronization at AT Configuration → Synchronization → Refresh Issues page if you upgraded from an earlier than v4.0 version of the add-on (screen shot below).


Note 1:  The location of atdb folder is different when running ActivityTimeline as a Windows service. 

It is located in Windows system directory:  <WINDOWS_DIR>\System32\atdb or  <WINDOWS_DIR>\System32\SysWOW64\atdb


Note 2: You would need to re-install ActivityTimeline Windows Service if upgraded from an earlier than v4.0 version of the add-on.




Full Issues Synchronization at Dashboard → Configuration → Synchronization → Refresh Issues page:



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