General Settings
Jira Administrator can configure how FindDuplicates plug-in displays its findings.
Admin can define the number of potential duplicate issues to be shown, tickets appearance, words that should be ignored while searching etc.
All of this can be modified in General Settings:
General Settings include:
Maximum amount of potentially duplicated issues to display
Defines how many issues will show up in potential duplicates list when the user creates, edits, or links the issue
Default Value: 5
Search for Duplicates not older than N months
Tells the system to show only the potential duplicates that were created not earlier N months ago
Default Value: 1 Month
Search for duplicates if user entered at least
Tells the system to search for duplicate when user has typed at least the specified amount of symbols or words
Default Value: 3 Symbols
Words to ignore during duplicates search
Specify the words that should be ignored by duplicates search mechanism when the issue is created, edited, linked, or searched for
Note that some of very common words are pre-included into the system
User should separate individual words to be skipped by comma
The example words might be: issue, problem, bug, application etc.
Open issue duplicates in a new window SERVER/DC
Specifies in the potential duplicate should be opened in a new browser window when it is clicked
Default Value: unchecked
Show 'Potential Duplicates' panel on each issue page
Defines if Potential Duplicates panel is to be rendered on Issue page
Default Value: checked
Keep browser's auto-suggest list on issue creation SERVER/DC
Defines if the system should show both: web browser's default auto-suggestions list along with potential issue duplicates
Default Value: unchecked
Use plug-in's Quick Issue Search in Jira header search box SERVER/DC
Defines if the duplicates should show up in the Quick Issue Search in the header on the top right corner
Default Value: unchecked
Always search for duplicates within the same project
The system will search for duplicates within the current project all the time. No duplicates from other projects will be shown.
Default Value: unchecked
Enable plugin for Service Desk SERVER/DC
JIRA Service Desk Issue Link Template - Provide a custom link to your Jira Service Desk
You can use ${issueKey} for issue key and ${projectKey} for project key location
Default value: '/servicedesk/agent/DESK/issue/${issueKey}'
Default Value: checked
Issue Appearance SERVER/DC
Specifies how the potential duplicate issue appears in the popup list, in Potential Duplicates panel, and in Search results pop-up
Criteria that can be defined (all of them are checked by default):
Display Issue Key
Display Issue Status
Display Issue Type
Display Issue Priority
Display Issue Summary
For the changes to be applied admin should press Save Changes button:
To read more of using FindDuplicates click here.