Customer Q & A - Team Management

Customer Q & A - Team Management

How do I create teams?

There are 2 types of teams in ActivityTimeline: Classic & Functional teams
Classic team is created manually by adding users to the team. To create a classic team go to ActivityTimeline Configuration → Teams → Create a new team → Manually add users to the new and click on ‘Create’:


Functional team is created automatically based on users' skills or positions. The system will group users into a teams based on a specified skillset or position, so you first need to make sure that your users have associated skills or positions:

Then you can go to ActivityTimeline Configuration → Teams → Functional teams → Create a new team → Choose a criteria that the team will be based upon:



Can the resources be shared across several teams?

Yes, you can add the same person to several teams, and tasks from both teams will appear on the user’s timeline.




How can I create project teams?

In ActivityTimeline it is possible to create project teams. This means that the system will search for all people who are associated with a certain Jira project and will create a new team with them. This can be done in ActivityTimeline Configuration → Projects → Click on ‘Create’ near the project:



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