ActivityTimeline REST API
- Instructor
- Svitlana Samotis
- Mariia Skorobohata
All API requests can be made by ActivityTimeline user with Administrator permission only.
ActivityTimeline REST API is turned off by default. You must turn it on before the first use.
ActivityTimeline REST API can be turned on by changing ActivityTimeline REST API setting at AT REST API page in Configuration:
How to Use REST API
Create a unique AT REST API authorization token in ActivityTimeline configuration
Call API methods with specifying that auth-token as a request Header or URL parameter (or auth_token before AT v8.3.0).
Sample Java/C# code of AT REST API usage
Sample Java project that demonstrates how to call AT REST API can be downloaded here (all API methods):
Sample .NET (C#) project that demonstrates how to call AT REST API can be downloaded here (some API methods):
Important Note when calling AT REST API from JavaScript/Node.js code.
ActivityTimeline uses number identifiers that could be larger than JavaScript number type supports.
As a result, some JavaScript JSON parsers replace the last few digits of an 'id' with zeros making that 'id' invalid.
Example: Actual 'id' of 1235598463805867311 becomes 1235598463805867300
You can authorize into the REST API by specifying a unique Authorization Token in one of 4 supported ways:
Authorization Token can be generated at ActivityTimeline Configuration → AT REST API page. Handle it with the same security as you would a password. |
You can authorize into the REST API by specifying a unique Authorization Token in one of 4 supported ways:
Authorization Token can be generated at ActivityTimeline Configuration → AT REST API page. Handle it with the same security as you would a password. |
Timeline Schedule & Workload v4.2.0+
Returns information about user and events (Jira issues and custom events) for specified user for specified period of time.
GET /rest/api/1/timeline?auth_token=YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
start * | string | Start of the period formatted in "yyyy-MM-dd" format |
end * | string | End of the period formatted in "yyyy-MM-dd" format |
teamId * | long | Id of a specific team |
eventType | string | Optional If specified then the system will filter returned items to the specified type.
jql | string | v10.4.0+ Optional If specified then the system will filter the issues based on the provided JQL filter query. Also, you may specify |
* indicates required parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
start * | string | Start of the period formatted in "yyyy-MM-dd" format |
end * | string | End of the period formatted in "yyyy-MM-dd" format |
username * | string | Username or accountId of specific user |
eventType | string | Optional
jql | string | v10.4.0+ Optional If specified then the system will filter the issues based on the provided JQL filter query. Also, you may specify |
* indicates required parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
start * | string | Start of the period formatted in "yyyy-MM-dd" format |
end * | string | End of the period formatted in "yyyy-MM-dd" format |
teamId * | long | id of specified team |
projectKey | string | Optional ActivityTimeline v8.1.2 and above |
startOffset | int | Offset for first users, default is 0 |
maxUsers | int | Maximum users count to return, max 50 |
includeProjectDetails | boolean | Optional Activity Timeline v8.2.0 and above Example: |
jql | string | v10.4.0+ Optional If specified then the system will filter the issues based on the provided JQL filter query. Also, you may specify |
* indicates required parameters