Advanced Auto Issue Scheduling

Advanced Auto Issue Scheduling

ActivityTimeline add-on allows to automatically schedule JIRA tickets on a person's timeline.

The system can review the tickets that are assigned to a person but not scheduled and then automatically schedule them on the dashboard based on the person’s availability. If there are some vacations, days off, etc, in the middle, then the system will try to put some work on properly scheduled days to avoid overload or underload, based on circumstances.

How Auto-Scheduling works


  • Imagine there was a Vacation for two days created on a person's timeline. 

  • A manager wants the system to automatically schedule the tickets on a person's timeline based on his/her availability.

In order to automatically schedule JIRA tickets for the entire team follow the steps:

  1. Navigate to the Issue panel and click on ‘Extra’.

  2. Click on the 'Auto Schedule' option.                    

3. Automatic Issue Scheduler dialog opens and you can choose one of the options available:

  • Automatically schedule all issues assigned to the current team 

  • Automatically schedule all issues assigned to the current team and displayed on the left panel

  4. Depending on your needs enable Options:

  • Use Placeholders option: if checked, the system will schedule placeholders instead of real JIRA tasks so you can review them first.           

    →  The system creates Placeholders for all the team members (as in the screenshot below) → You can review the plan and bulk approve placeholders so they are replaced with the actual Jira tasks.



  • Reschedule overdue tickets only option will only display tickets that were scheduled in the past and have not been completed (overdue) and will then reschedule them for a future date as specified by the user.

  • Skip Existing Placeholders option skips issues that already have placeholders scheduled.

  • Schedule Start Date field allows specifying the date on which the system should begin automatically scheduling tickets.

The system will schedule just the tickets that have a remaining time estimate set.  Those issues can be automatically scheduled.  If the ticket does not have the estimate, then it won’t be scheduled.



The system scheduled two tickets on the person's timeline. These tickets have remaining time estimates of 8 hours and 1 hour respectively. Taking a look at priority and due date, the system marks one ticket as Major and another one as Normal priority.

A ticket with major priority estimated for 8 hours is scheduled for Wednesday, while a ticket with normal priority estimated for 1 hour is scheduled for the following day. If it was scheduled for Wednesday, it would create an overload.



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