Workload Indicator

Workload Indicator

As a resource capacity planning tool, ActivityTimeline relies on workload calculations to show if users are overallocated or underallocated. This feature helps managers adjust assignments in real time, ensuring optimal productivity and preventing burnout.

There are different interpretations of what workload is, but at its core, it refers to the total amount of work designated to a resource within a specific timeframe. Understanding and managing this effectively is crucial for maintaining a balanced team dynamic. The easiest way to check the workload is to see the workload indicator that is available under each resource:

Workload in ActivityTimeline is calculated based on the tickets that are scheduled on the user’s timeline with remaining or daily estimates and custom events.

Workload Indicator Color

Workload indicator has eight main colors to help managers and teams have better visibility of a person's availability:

  • blue - out of the office; Day Off, Vacation, Sick Leave, or Holiday is scheduled on a user

  • yellow - workload is not enough (less than 50% h/day) and some additional tickets can be added to a timeline

  • olive - workload is not enough (between 50-88% h/day) and some additional tickets can be added to a timeline

  • green - workload is enough (between 88-100% h/day), no more tickets can be scheduled on a timeline

  • light red - a person is overloaded (between 100-125% h/day) and some tickets have to be re-scheduled for another day

  • red - a person is overloaded (more than 125% h/day) and some tickets have to be re-scheduled for another day

  • purple - Day Off, Vacation, Sick Leave, or Holiday is assigned on Logged time or weekend

  • grey -  workload is "0" h/day; no workload is displaying on that day   

It is possible to customize the data range for workload indicators by accessing the ‘Workload Indicator Color Range Customization’ option under the Configurations - Workload Indicator settings.

The workload indicator view depends on a current calendar view, users' involvement, and Work hours in a day. When viewing a default one-week scope view, a user will see his availability for each day in the current week:

If the scope is changed to Two Weeks, Month Weekly, then a different view will load with the aggregated numbers per week and month.

Workload Calculation Algorithm

There are two ways how a workload can be calculated in ActivityTimeline (Configured by ActivityTimeline Administrator)

It is important to remember that the time-tracking mode directly influences the workload/ availability calculation algorithm. This will be covered in more detail in the next chapters.

If you prefer not to see or use the workload indicator, you can disable it by navigating to Configurations → Workload Indicator and turning off the Show Workload Indicator option.

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