

ActivityTimeline provides a simple workspace that has the main features for everyday work.

Required permission:

  • Administrator Role;

  • Manager Role;

  • Power Employee Role;

  • Employee Role; 

  • Limited Employee Role;

  • Team Manager Role.


The Work page contains the Issue (left) panel, Pie chart of logged hours section, Required and logged hours day by day section, My Schedule section, Panel of Scheduled tasks, Panel of Logged hours.


Tip: To hide the left panel to compact view click on the arrow icon on the top right corner of a panel.




Issue Panel

Issue Panel (left) consists of a set of JIRA tickets. The panel shows the tickets that are assigned to a currently logged user.

Quick search:

This option for JIRA issues is available at the very top of the Issues Panel.  Enter the issue keyword from the issue title or issue name in the Search Issues text entry box. 

My Issues:

The view can be configured and changed through one of the two tabs. The available tabs are Resolution and Status.
The default state is "Unresolved" in Resolution and "All" in Status. 

Filter by resolution

To filter tickets based on resolution, select the required resolution to filter from the Resolution multi-select drop-down list. → The system will collect all the possible resolution options available in the Jira system assigned to you. You will also get custom resolutions that will appear based on Jira tickets.     

Filter by status

Select the status as To Do from the Status multi-select drop-down list to filter by status with the latest actual tasks.

Depending on text type and color different Issue Statuses can be distinguished. To read more about Issue Status refer to a page here.







Charts on Work page visualize the progress of your work based on required hours and logged hours. You have always eye on your time.

Pie chart represents the view of Required hours, Logged hours and Remaining hours per selected period.

Bar chart represents the view of Logged hours and Remaining hours per day.

In the example below: let's select 1 week period.  Required hours are 40h, and Logged hours are 19h. The percentage of filling is 47.5%.

To see the details click on a question icon. You can find how many hours you need to log.


Operational buttons




New Task - button opens the "Create new item" dialog. You can create a Jira issue or custom event like booking, placeholder, note, vacation, sick leave, or holiday.
Alternative way: click on a day on the "My Schedule" panel when a new task should be created.

To read more about creating a New Task click here.


New Log Work dialog is available from v9.8.0+


Log Work - button opens "Log Work" dialog to log work.
Alternative way: click on a day on the "Logged Hours" panel when working hours should be created.

To read more about the Log Work option click here.



Date Picker - click on the calendar date picker on the toolbar → calendar is opened. Select a different week to jump to.



Calendar switch - click on the Next Day icon to switch focus to the following day; Click Next Week and switch to the following week and further on; Click Today to move to the current week. 

The navigation (Next Day/Next Week) depends on the scope. For example: If you choose the "Full Month" scope then you will be able to switch to Previous Month/Next Month.



Period switcher - the user can see the timeline of the selected team for the current week (Weekly scope is the default one).

To change the scope simply click on the scope icon and select any of the available scopes: Week, Two Weeks, Three weeks, Month - Daily, Full Month.





My Schedule 

My Schedule is a table of a timeline. On this panel, you can see, create, edit, and delete Jira tasks, and custom events, and see logged time.

On the timeline, you will see the assigned tasks that are already scheduled for you. To schedule assigned issues on your timeline possible from the left Issue Panel by yourself.


Work with tasks

How to schedule and unschedule the tasks


You can plan an issue by drag-drop or by clicking on it, then clicking on the "Schedule"  button and setting Start and End dates.
On My Schedule, you can perform the drag'n' drop, resize, and move operations. For more details refer to a page here

The next operations that can be performed on My Schedule panel:

To read more click on a required link.


Actions with Worklogs on My Schedule

Besides the Jira Issues and custom events, you can see and log time on a ticket on My Schedule panel. 

All logged hours appear on a proper day when the hours were logged. You can do it with one click on a Jira ticket. The system auto-fills in all required fields allowing to log work for a particular day (available hours to log and date).

My Schedule provides users with the flexibility to easily manage their worklogs with the following actions:

  • Drag-and-Drop Worklogs: Users can quickly update the date of a worklog by simply dragging and dropping it from one day to another within the My Schedule interface. This intuitive action automatically updates the date associated with the worklog, making it easy to adjust schedules as needed.

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  • Resizing Worklogs: Users can automatically create copies of their worklogs for other days by resizing them directly within the My Schedule table. When a worklog is resized, new worklogs are created for the additional days covered by the resize.

CleanShot 2024-08-05 at 13.50.56-20240805-105134.gif

More about logged time read on Worklog, Estimate and Time Tracking page.

To open the work log in Jira simply click on logged hours.

My Logged Hours

For all main operations with Worklogs you can do this panel: track your worklogs, edit date, time and comment in Worklog, and add new or delete existing worklog.

How to Log work:

You can Log Work on My Workplace page in different ways:


  1. Press the Log Work button.

  2. Click on the Add new worklog button  or click on a Day cell in My Logged Hours section.

  3. Click on the Jira ticket on the Left Issues Panel or on Timeline to open the Issue Card, and then click on Log work button.

  4. Click on a Bar chart.

→ The Time Tracking panel will be opened for you with automatically filled-in time available and an issue (if single) on a particular day. 


How to manage Logged Work:

The first panel My Logged Hours holds logged hours per day and is collapsed by default. By hovering the cursor on the logged hours for a day a button Add new worklog appears. When you click on the 'Expand view' button, a table containing all the issues worked on during the current period will be displayed. By clicking on the respective cell, users can log their time to the corresponding task for the date they choose.

The second panel My Worklog Details holds all worklogs for the selected periodYou can edit dates, hours, and comments by clicking on the Edit link or delete worklog by clicking on the Delete link. All changes are synchronized to Jira. Worklogs should be unapproved before you edit or delete them. 

If your worklog is approved by an authorized person   then you will not be able to change it.       

Export to Excel Worklog Table

Each user can Export to Excel his own Worklog table. The administrator, Manager, and Team Manager have access to Export to Excel worklog tables of other users. 

To Export to an Excel worklog table simply:

  1.     Open My Workplace page.

  2.     Choose the scope: Week, Two Weeks, Month.

  3.     Scroll the page down to the bottom.

  4.     Press the ‘Excel’ button.





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