Refresh Issues

Refresh Issues

The automatic synchronization will load updates to ActivityTimeline every time a new ticket is created or updated in Jira (by default, the changes are automatically synchronized every 10 minutes).

But if there are some changes in the configuration (like switching custom fields, mapping, changing between the due date and planned end dates in a custom field, or any other manipulation of data), then a fresh portion of data from JIRA needs to be loaded and the cache to be updated.

Full Synchronization

To manually synchronize the latest changes from JIRA, log in to ActivityTimeline as an administrator and follow the steps: 

  1. Click on Synchronization tab  on the toolbar

  2. Go to Refresh Issues tab 

  3.  Check  Full Synchronization radio button and press Refresh issues:

The system will load the issue changes from JIRA and carry them over to ActivityTimeline.

No changes will be made to JIRA during this operation.

Partial Issues Synchronization

ActivityTimeline administrator can manually trigger the re-sync of the portion of the latest issues. Select a corresponding option to re-load the issue data from Jira.

Detect & Remove Deleted Issues

ActivityTimeline administrator can manually remove obsolete (issues that were already deleted in Jira but still sit in AT cache) issues from ActivityTimeline cache if needed.

There are two ways to remove the obsolete tickets:

  1. By selecting the "Detect & Remove Deleted Issues" option and clicking "Synchronize" button

  2. The system will search for the last 1000-10.000 modified tickets and automatically remove obsolete (deleted in Jira) issues from ActivityTimeline cache

  3. By manually removing the tickets one by one in Maintenance Page

This is useful in a case when a ticket is removed from JIRA by some users, but it was not automatically removed from ActivityTimeline cache.

However, as a permanent solution to ensure that any issues or worklogs deleted in Jira are promptly deleted in ActivityTimeline, we recommend configuring additional Webhooks integration with Jira. This integration will help maintain consistency between the two platforms without delay.

To configure it, please, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to Configuration → Jira Integration → Webhooks Config → Add there your email & Atlassian Token (You can create a token by clicking on the ‘Create Token’ link:

  1. Click ‘Update

  2. Click to 'Add Webhooks' and, you'll see 2 webhooks that's been created:

  1. From now on all issues and worklogs will be removed right after the task has been deleted from your Jira.

If you have any additional questions related to the following section, please don’t hesitate to contact our team at: support@reliex.com
Also, you can check our Quick Start Guide to get started with ActivityTimeline in under 5 minutes.


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