Skills and Proficiency Levels

Skills and Proficiency Levels


Within ActivityTimeline application you can assign different skills to your users and also specify the proficiency level of these skills for your users. It gives you the possibility to easily see what skillset your users have and whether you have enough resources to complete certain projects.

You can manage skills and proficiency levels in Configuration → Users → Skills & Tags / Proficiency Levels:

In this menu you can create new skills, edit or associate users to already existing skills or see statistics about them:

When assigning skills to new users, you can specify their proficiency level in that specific skill:

Additionally, you can also assign skills directly to users on the ‘Users’ tab, by simply typic a new or existing skill name in the tab and later choosing the appropriate proficiency level:

In the ‘Skill Proficiency Levels’ tab, you can create new Proficiency levels, that could later be associated with your users:

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