How to Configure Start/End dates integration between Jira and ActivityTimeline

How to Configure Start/End dates integration between Jira and ActivityTimeline


CleanShot 2024-08-19 at 12.51.13.mp4
This video shows how the system works with and without mapped Start/End date fields

ActivityTimeline could be connected to Jira through a set of date picker fields, which should represent the Start and End of the issue so that the system knows where to put a ticket on the calendar.

In case the system is not connected to any Jira fields (No field selected), the system will store the information about Start/End dates internally without synchronizing it with Jira. However, we do recommend configuring this type of integration as it’ll allow to use ActivityTimeline most effectively.


When you change the configuration of the fields, you need to perform a synchronization of issues with Jira, so that the system can re-cache issues with proper dates.

To do this go to Synchronization → Refresh issues → Perform full synchronization, so that system can re-cache all the issues.

Note: If you already have some issues scheduled on your dashboard, changing the configuration of your Start/End Dates field, will remove them from the schedule, so we recommend firstly make sure that all those tickets also have Start/End dates set in Jira.

Important: You can use the following fields to integrate ActivityTimeline with other applications that use date picker fields, like BigGantt or BigPicture by Softwareplant. You can check our guide on how to perform this integration here.


Check the video example here: Video Example: How to map Start/End dates from Jira to ActivityTimeline?

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