Automatically display tickets based on Sprint Start/End dates

Automatically display tickets based on Sprint Start/End dates

People, who work agile and use Sprints inside Jira, will be happy to know that ActivityTimeline allows them to re-use Start/End dates of the whole sprint for individual stories/tasks of the sprint.

This allows populating users' timelines without a need to manually assign tasks to their calendars.

You need to have a Sprint that already has its Start/End dates defined and tasks assigned to users:

Then, you just need to enable the option to “Automatically display tickets based on Sprint Start/End dates”:

Once you have this enabled, go to ActivityTimeline Synchronization → Refresh Issues → Trigger a Partial Synchronization:

After you do this, the system will automatically display tasks on the timelines of your users, based on the Sprint Start/End dates.

Let us know if you have any questions regarding this or any other feature by contacting our support team.


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