Users & Teams in Planner

Users & Teams in Planner

You can view on the Planner view timelines of a single user, or multiple single users, or simply choose previously pre-created teams or teams:

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ActivityTimeline add-on supports team creation based on different grouping criteria.

There are three types of Teams (Only users with Administrator or Manager User Roles can create and manage teams):

One of the options available in Users & Team drop down is an Automatic Team. It is a team that is automatically built on the spot by the system based on JIRA tickets returned from the Filter option. ActivityTimeline searches for all the issues in the left Issues panel, finds the assignees, and automatically builds the list of timelines on the dashboard.

Team Panel feature isn’t available for an automatic team.

'Only Me' is an additional option that lets the user see the Dashboard with tasks for themselves only.

'Only Me' option selected

User in ActivityTimeline can be part of several teams. Managers and Team Leads from all teams will be able to access and manage that person’s timeline.

You can choose multiple teams or no teams in the dropdown. Members of all selected teams will be displayed on a Dashboard. 

If no teams are selected, the system will show no users on the Dashboard.

If you select both a single user and a team simultaneously, the ‘+’ sign will indicate that multiple entities are selected. When you switch to the ‘Team with Users’ view, you will see all users from the team, the Team panel, and the selected single user. Please note that in this mode, you cannot uncheck the single user. To do so, please switch back to the ‘Users’ view

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