Getting Started with Find Duplicates app

Getting Started with Find Duplicates app

Find Duplicates app for Atlassian Jira helps you fight the duplicates in your Jira.

There are two versions of the app:

  • Find Duplicates for Jira Server/Data Center

  • Find Duplicates for Jira Cloud

The main difference between these versions is that a version for Jira Cloud lacks the instant search of duplicates in Create/Edit Issue dialog.

Find Duplicates app for Jira Server/DC supports searching for all possible duplicates while you are creating a new issue in addition to the issue duplicates panel.

The system returns the results immediately preventing you from logging a ticket that was already logged before.

With Find Duplicates you will be able to avoid creation of duplicate issues and save time.

The list of potential duplicates will be displayed on the right panel of any existing Jira ticket.


FindDuplicates app for Jira Cloud:

  • adds 'Possible Duplicates' panel on the right side of each issue that shows duplicates

  • provides an extensive configuration options to tweak the search for duplicates

  • allows to search duplicates in issues created in other apps CLOUD

FindDuplicates app for Jira Server/DC:

  • adds 'Possible Duplicates' panel on the right side of each issue that shows duplicates

  • provides an extensive configuration options to tweak the search for duplicates

  • also works in Create, Edit, Link Issue dialogs SERVER/DC

  • overrides Jira Server/DC’s default issue search and integrates with other apps SERVER/DC

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Example of how FindDuplicates works: SERVER/DC


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