Frequently Asked Q & A
Q: Can FindDuplicates be limited to some particular project?
A: Yes, this can be configured at Project Restrictions
Q: Does FindDuplicates support Jira Cloud?
A: Yes, it does. FindDuplicates supports Jira Server, Jira Data Center and Jira Cloud. The version for Jira Cloud has a limitation because Jira Cloud does not have required API to implement full FindDuplicates app's functionality there.
Q: Can I specify our commonly used terminology to be excluded during duplicates search?
A: Yes, you can specify the list of "stop words" at add-on Configuration page that will be ignored.
Q: Can FindDuplicates search duplicates based on Jira components or issue type?
A: Yes, "Potential Duplicates" panel allow a user to search for duplicates with the same component or issue type.
Q: Will FindDuplicates suggest duplicates from a project where logged-in user does not have an access to?
A: No. FindDuplicates obeys all Jira permission schemes. If user does not have permission to see some issue then FindDuplicates will never show it.