Overdue or Expired Tickets Indicator

Overdue or Expired Tickets Indicator

If some tickets that were assigned to a person to be worked on a particular period have expired (missed due date), the system may show an indication of this on a timeline.

To enable the Overdue or Expired Tickets Indicator, please, navigate to AT Configurations → Timeline Panel → ‘Show Overdue Issues Counter per User’ → Update (Only Administrator can change it):

A number next to each person’s name shows the number of tickets that are overdue or expired.

To see the list of overdue tickets, click on the indicator and have the list of issues shown in the popup. 

Three main categories on tickets are considered overdue:

  1. Tickets that have Due Date missed;

  2. Tickets that are open and not resolved yet, but that were scheduled in the past (last week/month/year etc.);

  3. Tickets that were scheduled after the due date

You can fix the overdue tickets by drag’n’droping them from the pop-up dialog to the present/ future dates or by following the steps:

  1. Go to Filters tab > Schedule and select Overdue Tickets

  2. Drag and drop the tickets to the proper period. 
    → The tickets are rescheduled and are no longer appearing in red color.


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