Using Email Notifications Digest

Using Email Notifications Digest

Once Email Notifications Digest is installed and configured, each user in the system will start receiving the digest of recent JIRA updates at date/time specified and with information configured in Global Configuration page or Personal Configuration page (if configured by the user)  in settings.

To see the list of latest JIRA updates, follow the steps:

  1. Go to your user profile in JIRA
  2. Select Digest Email from a menu:

Notification Digest Basics

  • User that has Issue/Project Watch settings switched on gets one email with collected JIRA notifications at a time.

If user does not have permissions to watch JIRA project (JIRA Administation > Projects > specific Project > Permissions > Browse Project), email notifications will not sent to his/her email address.

  • One email contains specified records and does not reach defined maximum (Maximum Records per Email setting)
  • No email is sent when no changes in Jira issues were made

Digest Recipients

User receives email notifications only based on their settings / permissions:

  • user watches an issue(s)
  • user is a reporter of an issue(s)
  • an issue is assigned to user
  • user is mentioned in a comment
  • user is a Project Lead in specified JIRA project
  • user is allowed to see the change according to the level of visibility (e.g., if comment added to JIRA issue is visible to a user) 

User does not receive email notifications in case of:

  • user stops watching an issue(s)
  • reporter of an issue changes
  • an issue gets assigned to a different user
    • that user starts getting email notifications
  • another user is set as project lead in that JIRA project
  • user is inactive in JIRA
  • user is not allowed to see the change according to the level of visibility (e.g., if comment added to JIRA issue can be seen only to a specified group of users in JIRA)

Actions Recorded in Digest

Email Notifications Digest sends an email based on the actions recorded from JIRA updates.

The actions recorded in the digest are:

  • Create new issue
    • all issues types are supported
  • Updates to an issue
    • all modifications made in issue fields
      • standard fields
        • description, summary, component, affects/fix versions, issue assignee/reporter, due date, attachments etc.
      • custom fields
        • labels, planned start/end dates, user picker, group picker, checkboxes etc.
  • Log Work
  • Comment to an issue
    • add / update / delete comment

      If user is not allowed to see a comment due to visibility level restrictions (comment cannot be visible to JIRA group user is part of), record will not be sent in a digest.

  • Issue State change (start progress, resolve, close etc.)
  • Move an issue

  • Convert an issue to task / sub-task

  • Delete an issue

Summary Digest

You will receive digest by a schedule or maximum amount of updates (depends on settings).

You can open Personal Configuration page click Send Digest Now if you would like to Summary Digest to be sent to your email address immediately:

Click here link to open Summary Digest in web browser:

Issue Digest

Issue Digest will send an email after collecting issue updates and waiting several minutes before sending: