Personal Digest Configuration

Personal Digest Configuration

Each user (with and without administrator permissions) can change the default global settings of Email Notifications Digest plug-in to be applied to his account only.

To configure personal settings click on user profile icon in Jira and select Digest Email from a menu:


The system will navigate you to Email Notifications Digest - Personal Configuration page:


Personal Configuration Settings

"Manage Global Email Digest configuration at this page" link is visible for admins only.

Disabled Digest Email
  • If an admin switches off digest emails, users will not be able to switch it on in their personal configuration settings:
  • Contact you Jira administrator to change the settings.
  • The user is able to see all settings as disabled with no permission to change them.
Enable Digest Email
  • Each user can decide if he/she wants to get a notification digest when any changes were made in Jira.
  • No digest will be sent if there are no updates.

My Email Notifications

Email Notifications Digest contain three types of notifications: 

  • Instant Updates
  • Issue Digest
  • Summary Digest

Choose what type of notification will be sent:

  • Instant Updates
    • Defines who should receive all the default JIRA issue updates emails.

    • Instant Updates will be sent immediately per each issue change. You can select which updates can be sent in "Which updates to send" section. 

    • Default value = Enable (configured by admin)
    • Tips: Keep "All" or selected "Group"  to continue to receive default Jira email notifications in addition to Issue and Summary Digest.

  • Issue Digest
    • Defines who should receive frequent digest emails per issue. 

    • Issue Digest waits and collects issue updates for several minutes before sending. The waiting time (from the time when you stop update issues) you can configure in "When to send emails" section and which updates to send in "Which updates to send" section.

    • Default value = Enable (configured by admin)
  • Summary Digest
    • Defines who should receive a summary digest emails based on date/time schedule. 

    • Summary Digest collects updates from various issues within a day and sends them in a single email per defined schedule in "When to send emails" section.

    • Besides Scheduler, you can configure the maximum number of updates to be sent when maximum updates will be reached in "Which updates to send" section ("Maximum number of updates in a Summary Digest email" should be empty).

    • Default value = Enable (configured by admin)

Which updates to send

The user can configure the filling of Email Notification Digest:

  • Choose if your changes will be included in Digest:

    • Include my changes
      • In a case when notifications are switched off in JIRA, the user can enable or disable getting notifications about his/her changes in Digest.
      • Default value = Enable.

  • Choose if Digest will be sent when an issue is assigned to you:

    • Someone assigned an issue to me
      • In a case when a user wants to get the notifications only when the issue is assigned to him/her, he/she should check 'Someone assigned an issue to me' checkbox.
      • Default value = Enable.

  • Choose if Digest will be sent when I was mentioned in a comment:

    • Someone mentioned me in a comment
      • When checked, a user who is not a project lead and not a watcher of an issue, and gets tagged in a comment by someone, should get a notification.
      • Default value = Enable.

  • Choose which issue events update should be included or/and ignored in email notification:

    • Include these issue events in any of notification emails
      • A user can configure which issue events he/she should be notified about (included in a digest). E.g., a user does not want to get notifications in a digest when someone logs work or edit a comment etc.

      • Each user can specify which events in Jira issue to be recorded in a digest, By default, all check boxed are enabled (user gets all notifications):

        • Default value = All (configured by admin)

    • Ignore changes made to the following issue fields
      • Some issue events can be ignored in all three modes (Instant Updates, Issue Digest, Summary Digest).

      • Default value = None (configured by admin)

The full list of issue fields that can be ignored in email notifications

Affects Versions, Assignee, Components, Created, Description, Due Date, Environment, Fix For Versions, Issue Level Security, Issue Type, Priority, Summary, Time Spent, Time Tracking, Development, End Date Time, Epic Color, Epic Link, Epic Name, Epic Status, Planned End Date, Planned Start Date, Radio Button field, Rank, Sprint, Start Date Time, Story Number, Story Points, Story number, Text multiple, Text single

  • Select Maximum number of updates per digest:
    • Maximum number of updates in a Summary Digest email
      • Defines the maximum number of updates in Jira after which the digest should be sent to users' emails
      • Default value = 300 (configured by admin)

When to send emails

  • Choose when notification will be sent:
    • Instant Updates emails
      • Instant Updates will be sent instantly when each issue update happens. 

    • Issue Digest updates collect period
      • Issue Digest will wait some period of time (from 1 min to 10 min) when you stop updating the tickets and collect issue updates of this period before sending an email.

      • Collect period is a period of time to wait before sending an email.

      • Default values = 5 min (configured by admin)

    • Summary Digest email schedule
      • Summary Digest collects the changes made between the scheduled period. 
      • Defines date and time at which digest will be sent to users' emails. 
      • Click on a cell when you would like to receive a digest email.
      • Default values = 8 am, 7 pm Mon - Fri (configured by admin)

Advanced Configuration

In Advanced Configuration Admin can configure different notifications besides the main one and ignore some projects for Email Notification Digest. 

Priority Projects:

  • Select the project that is a priority for you and needs a special attention:
    • Select Priority Projects below 
      • You will receive different notifications for Priority Projects besides the main

      • If admin set some project as the priority then this project will be not possible to turn off

  • Select the type of digest for that projects:

      • All the default Jira issue updates emails will be sent.

      • Frequent digest emails per issue will be sent. You can choose the period of time in "When to send emails" section

  • Select which updates to send: 

    • Always send all issue updates from Priority Projects 
      • Checked: all updates will be sent and issue events in "Which updates to send" (such as issue Created, Issue Assigned etc) section will be ignored.
      • Unchecked: a configuration in "Which updates to send" section will be used for Priority Projects.

For the changes to be applied, admin should press Save button.
To reset add-on configuration to default click the link on the right down corner.

Personal Configuration settings override Global Digest settings for a specific user they are specified.
If an admin switches off digest emails, users will not be able to switch it on in their personal configuration settings.
For default settings see Global Digest Configuration v1.0/2.0 (with admin permissions only).