Person Availability Report

Person Availability Report

This type of report displays the number of available hours (or percentage) per person or team. 

To generate Person Availability Report follow the steps:

1. Navigate to Reports page and find the desired report in the list:

2. Leave the display units value = week; first month = current month, period = 1 month, team = any available team.

  • the default value is 1 month, options are from 1 month to 12 months.

3. Select a Period the report is to be generated for.

4. Select a Team the report is to be generated for.

  • the default value is Current selected Team on Dashboard.

5. Check 'Show availability in percentages' checkmark.

6. Generate report in web or Excel format:

Person Availability Report opens in the selected format.

Green color corresponds to full utilization. Negative numbers show overloaded periods.



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