Release Notes v8.4

Sep 1, 2021

Server/Data Center version: Upgrading from v8.2.2 or below to v8.4.0 may take few minutes longer than usual due to the application's DB table update.

Server version: Upgrading from legacy ActivityTimeline v7.2.x and earlier:

Please read and follow the Upgrade Instructions of ActivityTimeline v7.6.

ActivityTimeline Cloud:  Released on Aug 16, 2021. 

ActivityTimeline Server/DC: Released on Sep 1, 2021.


Read more about the design changes at page.


This version update includes the following enhancements:

  • Redesigned UI/UX to unify the appearance of the views

  • Introduced toolbar actions panel

  • Introduced Saved Dashboards functionality:

    • This new feature allows to see various data on the Planning, Workspace and Timesheets views by allowing users to save and quickly switch the configuration of the view.


  • Optimized performance of page rendering

  • Improved support of Issue Security Levels

  • Many other improvements and fixes

Should you have any questions regarding any of the new features - feel free to contact our Support Team.